Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Betta fish in love with snail?

I have a male betta fish and two gold mystery snails. When I look over at the tank the betta fish is staring intently at one of the snails on the bottom of the tank in its shell. He doesn't nip the snail at all, just sits there and stares at it, or lays next to it on the bottom of the tank. He is an active fish who loves to swim around and dance and show off, but why does he lay at the bottom of the tank alot and stare at the snail? The other snail is at the top of the tank, as it has moved there, but he thinks nothing of it. He only stares and lays next to the snail at the bottom of the tank. He will swim around happily for a little then come right back and stare, lay next to, or near the snail. He does this ALL THE TIME. Why do you think? Share your thoughts, thanks :)

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