Saturday, July 16, 2011

Understanding the way a woman thinks?

Help me understand this, if you can. Me and a coworker have been dating for almost three months. She's very much into me as I am into her. The relationship "seems" to be getting serious. At any rate, I noticed how when she is talking to me and if there is a mentioning of the opposite sex she will sort of throw in there how she is adored highly, liked, admired, or reverred in a special way. Nothing simple. For instance, today when she and i chatted on our break, she mentioned how she was teaching her class (she's an orator) and the majority were men and she went on to add twice, how they were fond of her, so when this strange guy walked into the class (who didnt belong in the building in the first place) that these guys all turned and were "protective" of her...... i listened intently but that stood out in my mind.... b/c in past conversations when she and I chatted and it involved the opposite sex, she'd quickly note the person's admiration of her or something. anyway, my question she hinting something? or is this her attempt to make me jealous?

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