Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How do you like my story...?

Honestly, I love it. As soon as I read your first sentence, I was engrossed in the story. You are very talented and use great imagery. I could imagine the junior strutting like a gorilla. This is on the way to becoming a very incredible story. As for the believability, I can see it happening but I like having it as something more in my imagination, giving myself opportunities to create my own possibilities and assumptions of what happens next. Once again, very talented. Kudos :)

Why do employers prefer to hire people who are already employed?

Let me start off by saying I am employed. I quit my job a few months back, finish graduate school, and began applying to a bunch on places (with no success).I just took a job doing something I like, but would never consider doing long term. Since then, I have gotten numerous calls for interviews (and some leads). Anyway, I have heard employers like hiring those that are already employed; Why is that? It doesn't seem fair ( sometimes finding any job has nothing to do with your abilities).

Does he like me like me?? please help!!?

It sounds like he is putting some shy hints out there but isn't sure yet what exactly he is pursuing. I would recommend putting yourself out there more for him and get right into the game. If you think he might be worth a date or two, jump in and make a move. It seems like he won't be the first one to do it.

Am I a hypocrite about race?

Recently I asked if judge Belvin Perry has a speech problem because he says pacifically instead of specifically and bofe & wiff & axe instead of both & with & ask. As expected, I got slammed. One responder said that there are various accents across the USA. I maintain that it is not an accent issue. This guy is a respected judge and cannot pronounce these words correctly. It bothers me that he has so much education and cannot speak proper English. On the other hand, until I retired, I used to commute by bus and there was a young black guy that got on the bus most days. He would be dressed in his baggies and always wore a hoodie pulled over his head. I could see a lot of white folks looking at him with that look that young guys dressed like that get. My first thought was that the poor guy has a job to go to and has to ride this bus with a bunch of fat bitchie white women. One day he got on the bus with another young guy who had a problem with his pay check and I offered to help as that was my area of expertise. That began a friendship that lasted for two or three years, despite the fact that he spoke ghetto language that often I could barely understand. We were two of the most unlikely candidates for a friendship that one could imagine. Me, an old white guy in his 50's with a good education, he a young black guy barely out of highschool. But I liked the guy and he liked me. He particularly liked my candor and soon learned that he could be candid with me. It became fun to watch the looks on the faces of some of the people on the bus when we would ask questions like who is that goofy looking white guy that plays for the warriors or some other question that white & black people are afraid to ask. My question is, how can I be totally unconcerned about this young black kid's ability to speak English and so concerned about Belvin Perry?

My parents want me to retake SAT? Help?

So I just got my SAT scores (470 M, 560 CR, 630 W), 1660 total. Now, I know that for most people that may seem a bit low, but I honestly tried hard and studied to the best of my abilities. However, my parents want me to retake the rest again, mainly because they think that I won't get into any colleges with such a low score. I took a SAT prep course last summer, and I got around the same score for every practice test that I took, so I feel like if I took the SAT a second time, my score probably wouldn't change that much. I also find studying (especially math in general) to be extremely painful, and I really don't want to sit through a three hour test again. What should I do? I'm already somewhat satisfied with my score, I already know what schools I want to apply for.

How far do you think technology has come? Are we playing God?

There is no such thing as "crossing the line" when it comes to knowledge, science and technology.

Which home would you choose?

If it was me i would choose option 1...that way you could have a conversation without having to have kids translate...option 2 being older could lead to more problems with the building etc....just do what makes you happy...Which one do you see yourself happier in option 1,where you can be social have access to a pool & gym has security newer building, or option 2, older building need kids to translate extra room &small garage...

What do you guys think of the song I have just written, any constructive criticism, and should I write more?

I love it, I like how it tells a story and the rhyming, it flows really nicely too! The only thing u might want to do is shorten the verses so it's not so wordy so it's not like a poem, but keep the rhyming! U should write more, just think u did this good on ur first one, with more practice they will get better! Congrats! :)

Why can't I relate to white people?

Well first off when you see the white man you automatically feel hatred because your gearing up for it. It's your first response to the light skinned folk. Now there there isn't anything wrong being pals with minorities. Maybe when you meet the man take a breath and don't prepared to hate him.

R&P: Does your town have a music scene?

My town is very Dominican in Washington Heights, Manhattan. So bachata, salsa, merengue, and reggaeton is very popular, and it's definitely the music scene. I'm more of a rock kind of girl--be it metal rock, class rock,nu metal, alternative rock. Where I usually hang out though downtown, it's more like hip-hop and trance. And it still sucks :(

If you ask a question at a public debate an the person you asked the question to says "Thats a great question"?

Do you intently listen to the answer or totally lose interest in what he/she is saying and just smugly think in your head. I'm so smart, I just asked a great question.

What happens to people who cant learn about God when they die?

for example, My brother has autism and has no way to fully understand God. Will god hold it against him that he didnt have the ability? After all he did make him that way. He has been baptized though. What do you think?

What does it mean to effectively work with clients from a variety of diverse backgrounds?

I'm answering the above question on a job application and I'm stuck on the "effectively" part. I was initially planning to explain all of my experience working with different cultures and people of different socioeconomic statuses, but I'm starting to think that's not exactly what they're looking for and I'm getting hung-up on "effectively." Thanks!

Am I a wolf? was I a wolf in another life? or is it just a dream?

I've been home schooled all my life, I'm going to high school for my last year, I have the anger of a wolf, when I close my eyes I see a black/light brown wolf with a scar like a line going down her right eye, I no it's a girl I can feel it, she's got the same eye colour as me hazel when upset and dark brown when happy or angry, I've got a girlfriend and in my dreams since I first started going out with her there's been another wolf a white one with the same eye colour as my girlfriends blue and they've been nuzzling each other and falling asleep on each other like I do with my girlfriend, I've got good drawing ability tribal mostly but I also enjoy geography and science, I've had a couple of dreams just running through a forest wind blowing in my face and hair/fur, I love walking specially through parks or woods it feels like home, am I a wolf?

Could double majoring help my chances of getting in to medical school?

I was thinking of double majoring in psychology and human services and minoring in something else and I did a four-year plan so I found out it is possible provided I do 5 classes a semester. Since that seems kind of hard, I was thinking of just double majoring. But can it help my medical school application in the long-run if I show diverse interests and that I was able to double major with the pre-med courses and general education courses?

When testifying, does a rape victim have to be in front of an open court or can it be closed?

She will have to testify but I'm sure you can request the judge to close the court to the public during her testimony. Have the DA file a motion for a closed testimony.

Computer trouble. please help.?

i have a dell, windows xp computer that does not have the ability to recieve wireless internet (wi-fi). i need to know what i need to add to my computer that will allow it to access my mobile hotspot.

Advice on living with in-laws in a different country?

Hello everyone, i moved to Holland 8 months ago with my 12 yr. old daughter. We moved to the Netherlands because my fiance is Dutch,and he also has an obligation to his employment/er in Holland. He also purchased a home that will soon be completed in 2 months. When we initially decided to relocate, the plan was to live w/ his parents until the house was completed. I was a little hesitant about the idea, but having faith that it will all work out. I knew of the challenges that would be ahead, but never imagined how difficult it really would be. New language, living in a village (coming from a large city), surrounded by people constantly hounding me w/many questions, and treating me like i'm ignorant as i do things differently (as im from a different country) My daughter is doing good. She speaks the language almost fluently- has friends and is doing good in school. She often expresses to me how difficult it is for her to understand in school sometimes. She too has her moments of frustration. I am struggling w/not being able to find a job as the language poses as a barrier for me at the moment. I worked in healthcare for 11 years and had a wonderful job in my home country. I'm studying the language continuously, and doing my best the only way i know how. In a village where I don't know anyone, and being so far away from family and friends, and not being able to drive here yet-has really been a challenge. We live w/ my future in-laws, and my S-in law comes almost everyday w/ her children. She often tries to conveniently drop the kids off to me, or sends the kids upstairs to me while she drinks coffee w/ her mother and aunts. The kids are very wild- biting, kicking, scratching, and throwing things. Its very difficult to tend them when once again the languge is a barrier. I find myself being very reclusive at times, and it is very saddening to me. I cry almost every day in private. It is also hard for me to eat dinner w/ the family when I know my F-in law makes rude remarks about me, as my daughter is able to understand what he says-even if i don't. My M-inlaw is a very nice lady, but alot of times i feel like she wants things to be her way entirely. Ex: when my fiance and I were planning our kitchen set up, she immediately sat at the table and made herself the 3rd party (as if we had to get her approval) of our ideas. Needless to say we did not design our kitchen the way we had initially planned. What we ended up doing with it was more of her idea. My fiance is the youngest of her children, i do understand it is difficult to let him go, but he is afterall is 35 yrs old. He tells his mother every time we have a disagreement, or she listens to us intently with both ears wide open. She then calls her daughter to let her daughter know that my fiance and I had an arguement. She then feels like it is sometimes her right to have "talks" with me, as she does at times w/ other members of the family. She also finds it necessary to explain everything to me from cleaning, to ironing, to mothering my child. She has also casually insulted me in front of the family, and passing it off so "nicely." I'm very tolerant of the situation, but it is emotionally painful to live this way. I do everything I possibly can think of to lighten the situation. In a village there is not alot to do to escape the situation. I go on several bike rides per day, walks through the woods until I have blisters on my feet. It is custom here that coffee drinking is at 10am and 5 pm everyday. Alot of times I can't even bring myself to be comfortable to sit at the table while several conversations go on in another language, and often at times during coffee drinking time i'm the subject of the conversation w/ my fiances aunts, mother and sister. I do what I can to be polite and bear it. I wait for the days to pass, so that night will come and I can sleep w/o thinking about the living situation. I do my best to hide my feelings, although i have expressed to my fiance many times how unhappy i am living w/his parents. The tears easily stream down my face from day to day, even writing this article. I feel so alone here, but I have so much faith that it will get better. Can anyone offer me any advice on my situation? Please help me decide what to do.

If Creationists think proving evolution wrong would prove them right are they worried some other religion will?

By their way of thinking, if they prove evolution wrong that would somehow validate their notions of how species came to be so diverse. If that were a valid way of thinking, wouldn't it follow that if it were a Wiccan that proved evolution wrong, then Wicca would be the right instead of them?

Is Michael Jackson the King of Rock along with Elvis and Bruce Springsteen?

Elvis, Bruce and Michael form a trinity of Rock Gods; they reign above all others in my world due to their sheer singing ability and and quality and range of songs. They inhabited the songs they performed. I believe it to my bones: Michael Jackson sings hard rock.

Is it safe for a male to orgasm without ejaculating?

there are ways for a male to do so, something involving in strengthening the ''pc muscle'' and learning to control it better as well as learning to control your breathing or something in that way, but is it safe? why would i do this? well it will give me the ability to have multiple orgasms and yet not have a mess to cleanup.

How do you like my story...?

Honestly, I love it. As soon as I read your first sentence, I was engrossed in the story. You are very talented and use great imagery. I could imagine the junior strutting like a gorilla. This is on the way to becoming a very incredible story. As for the believability, I can see it happening but I like having it as something more in my imagination, giving myself opportunities to create my own possibilities and assumptions of what happens next. Once again, very talented. Kudos :)

Everyone please answer this??!!!?

Okay, so not to be rude but you wrote all that to find out why he didn't give you a high five? He is teasing you because he likes you. If you want to follow through, don't fall all over him and don't make him think that he can have you right away. Play a little hard to get. Don't follow him around all the time, smile and cut your eye at him too.

Border Collie or... a Shetland Sheepdog?

Border collie for sure! I have had one for six years and i don't think i could get anything else! They adapt well to any conditions (since you will be traveling) and like you said they compete well in frisbee, agility, anything you ask them to do. They are also very sweet (i get compliments about how mellow and laid back my Border is but she is also very high energy) so if it was me i would definitely get a border collie

Poll: Your Valued Opinion is requested... is this Poetry good enough to published?

To be honest, it's a bit depressing and too vague. You can still keep the same outline of topic, but I can suggest giving a bit more detail and explaining in a few lines Why, and How it makes you feel. The thing with sad and powerful poems, readers like to instantly be lured in by actions and personal relating feelings

Should I tell my psychiatrist that I've been doing Percocet once a week for a year now?

Every Saturday I take two 5mg percocets to get high. I don't believe it's a problem and I am certainly not addicted. I mean seriously... Once a week is no harm! I have been doing for about 10 months now and I am extremely disciplined in my consumption. I know too much about the drug and its addictive properties. Caution and strong control is my priority. No tolerance has been built or anything. I get the same feeling every time I do 10 mgs. I do it because it gives me energy (oddly) and it eliminates my anxiety. Also, it's an amazing investment considering my financial stability. I live with my parents which earn less than 30,000 a year altogether. I rather spend 5 dollars for 8 hours of joy than 20 dollars to watch a movie and eat somewhere (way more if I go out on a date). So yea, my real question is if disclosing this information would jeopardize my ability to obtain ADHD medication? I think I might have ADHD because i've been having a hard time focusing, concentrating, and memorizing stuff. I also think i suffer from excessive daytime sleepiness.I am 18 years old and I've been experiencing these symptoms since i was like 13. I have already been in a car (not my fault but totally avoidable) accident due to drowsiness. I'm taking action now because I'll be starting school (University) in less than 2 months. I plan on studying medicine and I don't want my problems ruining my chances of getting into medical school. So yea, what do you think? Oh i think I'm going to get beta blockers for my social anxiety. Nothing that serious just that my hands tend to shake a bit when I do hands on stuff in front of people.

Do you personally think that some alternative healers abilities are passed down through family/generations?

My mothers grandparents healed themselves with herbs. They never seen a doctor. I recently helped to heal my mother with three herbs of lung cancer. I was just wondering if that is something I inherited so to speak in my family.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Does anyone else think their cat is a human in disguise?

I think my cat might be a human in disguise. He is so smart and the way he looks and responds to me makes me think he is a little more than a cat. When I talk to him he listens intently and stares into my eyes and will respond by making noises when I ask him questions. He also follows me around and it becomes a little annoying when he stares at me too long, but then I feel guilty because it really isn't his fault he is a human trapped in a cat's body. I keep thinking he is trying to tell me something important but I'm unable at this point to decipher the language he speaks. He also like foot massages and when I rub between his toes he purrs happily and makes noises as if he is trying to tell me something. Is this normal behavior for a cat? Also, how can I free him from his transfigured state, if this is indeed what this is called. I'm just so convinced that my cat really is a human trapped in a cats body. How else can I exlain these circumstances. Please help me free my cat from his imprisonment:(

Is there such thing as an occupational therapy nurse?

Can a nurse work in occupational therapy? If so, what would her role be and how would she assist the occupational therapists? I am in nursing school and my best friend is going to school to be an OT assistant. I find what she is doing interesting. I wouldn't want to change what I am doing...I definitely want to be a nurse. But, one of the nice things about nursing is that the field is so diverse.

How to check originals?

I just got to know from a friend that there are ways to check if a product is an original or not, specifically when purchasing branded stuff. We were buying a well known brand of shoes at one of the biggest malls-he intently checked and instantly knew if it was the original; while there were other pairs under the same brand name being sold as originals though they were not. Is there a website that lists these? How can I know if the shoes (Nike, LC, Adidas,etc.); handbags, clothes, watches, perfumes, etc are not duplicates? I don't want to waste my money on fake, cheap immitations nor do I want to be duped.

Why does Michelle Bachmann refuse to answer the question asked.?

She's running for president, and news media just thought she was another looney. Now she is a dangerous looney, and all of her lies and deceptions are being exposed. And she has plenty of the.

Why does focusing so intently on others lives, deplete the beauty of our own?

i have trouble with this, because i have been taught through somethign i beleive in to live to make others happy. However, ifi only focus on others or live for others, i feel miserable

Is taking AP US history and AP Bio too much to handle?

I am going to be a sophomore in highschool and i dont know if i will be able to handle both. I am an honors straight A student. I have a good work ethic, and school means a ton to me. I want to go into medicine as a career. I am kind of a procrastinator, but i always get things done and i do them to the absolute best of my ability. Has anyone taken 2 AP classes sophomore year and been ok? like no emotional breakdowns ok? The only school activities i do are speech and student council. I need feedback!

What do you think of this character of mine?

I love your character!! Ive made characters myself. my fave character that I have made is named Ryley Ambrosia. she is half valkyrie & half witch. she is in a wiccan covent. since she is a valkyrie, she has small fangs and pointy ears (like an elf) she has the ability to see the future (soothsayer) & can read peoples minds. she has long black hair, green eyes (changes when feeling certain emotions), a perfect nose, and plump red lips. I write my own stories & she is the main character in the one I started. its cool to see that other people out there have an awesome imagination! :)

Why do people from some cultures smell terrible?

It may be what they eat. If people eat a lot of garlic or onions the smell will start coming through their pores. Or it could be that they don't believe in deodorant. It would be easier if you said what culture it is.

Pokemon Ability Item?

What's the item on pokemon that gives you an extra chance that the offspring will have the same ability as the parent holding that item? I want to know cause when I'm breeding shinies I don't want the crap abilities. Oh and can you get this item in black version?

Why are guys who are part black part white so diverse?

It depends on their heritage. If you're nigerian and irish you'll look different to someone who's jamaican and french.

Do interns normally constantly observe the jury during a case?

I was chosen to be in a jury this week. During the trial the interns in the audience kept looking intently at the jury at random times. If they didn't have to turn their heads 90 degrees to look at us i wouldn't have minded but it was so obvious. Is this common practice for interns or do the lawyers they shadow tell them to do that? Just curious.

Is the start of the story ok?

I don't think it's necessary for you to straight out say "oh yeah, and i'm a dragon". I think that it enriches the story if you make people read between the lines. what else would it be? just wondering, like a flying lizard hmm? some people can infer things for themselves. Unless it's a children's book, it wouldn't be needed.

Why is there an explosion of rare traits in internet forums?

Whenever a discussion of a rare ability or personality trait arises in message boards, suddenly 80% of the users have it. The ability to hear dog whistles, for example. Or having learned to read before the age of two or three.

What would you think of an 8yr on facebook?

I have a Facebook but I am a lot older than him. Even though he is under complete supervision doesn't mean he won't do things that he's not supposed to. I didn't get my Facebook until I was 12 which was last year. in my eyes only people 11+ need to have a Facebook.

Can I buy any electronic drum bass pedal?

About a year ago I bought a Yamaha DTX Explorer electric kit. I have played it quite a bit and have enjoyed it...except the bass pedal. The bass pedal moves around a lot when I play and doesn't give me the ability to keep up with what I'm playing. I want to get a new pedal. Anyone know if I can use just any electric bass pedal or have any recommendations? Thanks for the help guys!

Betta fish in love with snail?

I have a male betta fish and two gold mystery snails. When I look over at the tank the betta fish is staring intently at one of the snails on the bottom of the tank in its shell. He doesn't nip the snail at all, just sits there and stares at it, or lays next to it on the bottom of the tank. He is an active fish who loves to swim around and dance and show off, but why does he lay at the bottom of the tank alot and stare at the snail? The other snail is at the top of the tank, as it has moved there, but he thinks nothing of it. He only stares and lays next to the snail at the bottom of the tank. He will swim around happily for a little then come right back and stare, lay next to, or near the snail. He does this ALL THE TIME. Why do you think? Share your thoughts, thanks :)

Do colleges check to see if you are actually Indian?

I am, indeed, Indian, but I am not registered. When applying to colleges I will check that box because a) it's true and b) it makes me look more diverse. I'm not applying for any aid because of it, so I'm wondering -if I check that box, will the colleges actually check to see if I'm registered?

Help with planning a Party at my house?

Barrell of outdoors like cornhole/bean bags , poker tournament inside, and of course co-ed naked twister for all.

How to tell a guy to back off? Help!?

Just tell him what you think about how he's acting. Just telling the truth is always a great option.

Cancer gal seeks advice: should I ask aqua guy if he likes me?

If you walk a fine line.If I really had to ballpark it.It's not totally easy.I had to ask my friend, but the

Does anyone know why this is (question on Indians)?

dude you have never seen indian traffic and pedestrians. i hated driving in india people have no rules...none at all.

How to keep hair from frizzing?

I get up early in the morning and flat iron my hair. I have thick, wavy hair. My hair is decently strait when I finish. I like in southern Texas and it's almost summer time. It insanely humid outside! My hair frizzes up mega bad. I'm meeting the guy I like tomorrow, but by the end of school, my hair is wavy again! I thinks it's because of the humidity. Any way I can keep it strait and keep it from frizzing up without products? I have this, Frizz Ease Secret Weapon Flawless Finishing Cream. It "intently camouflages imperfections, leaves dull dry hair shiny, soft and supple. Would this help any?

Best teams in NBA 2k11?? Worst?

You forgot to mention Atlanta Hawks as being top 5, Jamal Crawford, Joe Johnson, Kirk Hienrich and Marvin Williams can light it up from 3's and Josh Smith and Al Horford are great rebounders

Monday, July 18, 2011

Best recruitment software, preferably open source or free?

I'm looking for software to manage a database for job applications and recruitment. I was going to use a modified version of web help desk because I like it's features, but using webforms for applications did not play well with it. I like how WHD installs locally and is access via web. I would like features like sort/filter, web access, applicant profile page, attachments (for resumes and cover sheets) and the ability to design a web form for the applicant to fill out which can be submitted directly to the system to create a new application. Any help? It doesn't have to be free, but I would prefer it to be and I definitely don't want the cost to be recurring.

How did the Indian societies of South and North America differ?

indian societies are formed by the spiritual devotion and american societies are formed by the physical devotion

Advice on living with in-laws in a different country?

Hello everyone, i moved to Holland 8 months ago with my 12 yr. old daughter. We moved to the Netherlands because my fiance is Dutch,and he also has an obligation to his employment/er in Holland. He also purchased a home that will soon be completed in 2 months. When we initially decided to relocate, the plan was to live w/ his parents until the house was completed. I was a little hesitant about the idea, but having faith that it will all work out. I knew of the challenges that would be ahead, but never imagined how difficult it really would be. New language, living in a village (coming from a large city), surrounded by people constantly hounding me w/many questions, and treating me like i'm ignorant as i do things differently (as im from a different country) My daughter is doing good. She speaks the language almost fluently- has friends and is doing good in school. She often expresses to me how difficult it is for her to understand in school sometimes. She too has her moments of frustration. I am struggling w/not being able to find a job as the language poses as a barrier for me at the moment. I worked in healthcare for 11 years and had a wonderful job in my home country. I'm studying the language continuously, and doing my best the only way i know how. In a village where I don't know anyone, and being so far away from family and friends, and not being able to drive here yet-has really been a challenge. We live w/ my future in-laws, and my S-in law comes almost everyday w/ her children. She often tries to conveniently drop the kids off to me, or sends the kids upstairs to me while she drinks coffee w/ her mother and aunts. The kids are very wild- biting, kicking, scratching, and throwing things. Its very difficult to tend them when once again the languge is a barrier. I find myself being very reclusive at times, and it is very saddening to me. I cry almost every day in private. It is also hard for me to eat dinner w/ the family when I know my F-in law makes rude remarks about me, as my daughter is able to understand what he says-even if i don't. My M-inlaw is a very nice lady, but alot of times i feel like she wants things to be her way entirely. Ex: when my fiance and I were planning our kitchen set up, she immediately sat at the table and made herself the 3rd party (as if we had to get her approval) of our ideas. Needless to say we did not design our kitchen the way we had initially planned. What we ended up doing with it was more of her idea. My fiance is the youngest of her children, i do understand it is difficult to let him go, but he is afterall is 35 yrs old. He tells his mother every time we have a disagreement, or she listens to us intently with both ears wide open. She then calls her daughter to let her daughter know that my fiance and I had an arguement. She then feels like it is sometimes her right to have "talks" with me, as she does at times w/ other members of the family. She also finds it necessary to explain everything to me from cleaning, to ironing, to mothering my child. She has also casually insulted me in front of the family, and passing it off so "nicely." I'm very tolerant of the situation, but it is emotionally painful to live this way. I do everything I possibly can think of to lighten the situation. In a village there is not alot to do to escape the situation. I go on several bike rides per day, walks through the woods until I have blisters on my feet. It is custom here that coffee drinking is at 10am and 5 pm everyday. Alot of times I can't even bring myself to be comfortable to sit at the table while several conversations go on in another language, and often at times during coffee drinking time i'm the subject of the conversation w/ my fiances aunts, mother and sister. I do what I can to be polite and bear it. I wait for the days to pass, so that night will come and I can sleep w/o thinking about the living situation. I do my best to hide my feelings, although i have expressed to my fiance many times how unhappy i am living w/his parents. The tears easily stream down my face from day to day, even writing this article. I feel so alone here, but I have so much faith that it will get better. Can anyone offer me any advice on my situation? Please help me decide what to do.

What's the best way to prepare for Panhellenic Rush this fall ?

So after taking a year to really scope out all my options I've finally decided that I will be rushing Panhellenic this upcoming fall. I'm not too worried about the fact that I'm african american, because the sororities on my college campus are already pretty diverse. This question is pertaining to any greeks really, do you guys have any tips or any added advice I should be aware of ? Please and Thank you :)

My fiance intimidates & makes me feel nervous, I feel i cant breathe around him! Advice, Mature Answers?

I am 25 and have been with the man i love for 3yrs, , my fiance is 35 and a champion bare-knuckle fighter. I am starting to feel like i cant breathe with him as he can be very intense, When he wins im the first one he will go to, kisses me and picks me up over his shoulder, Although i don't go to every fight as i feel uneasy seeing the blood etc. Other times if we are at a party he will keep looking at me or if a guy casually talks to me and im being polite telling them im engaged my fiance puts his arms around me or he will walk up to me & gets aggressive at the guy but when i tell him its ok and to relax he holds me close to him and the guy basically runs away. I have a full time job and when i get off the subway i just want a shower and chill out but as soon as i get home he is all over me coming up from behind me holding me telling me how much he missed me then he usually starts to feel me up which leads to sex, the other night after the guy was flirting with me when my fiance and i made love he started to slightly choke me, I got scared & asked him to stop he kept apologizing to me telling me how much he loves me, that i am his life and is sick of people trying to take me away from him, Other rime he seems to stare intently at me whilst making love which makes me feel a bit self conscious. Its almost like i cant move but he is there and his hands are on me in some way, He also has my name tattooed over his heart. I love him to death but he makes me feel intimidated lately. My bff and he don't get along at all, She never liked him, She says that he is no good, that he is unpredictable and that he's got no conscious, He tells me i let her influence me way too much. Despite all this i cant deny that i love him but i feel i he wants me in his radar all the time. This may seem stupid but it bugs me, Any Advice?

To what extent does rap music affect teens' ability to learn and how does it affect their behavior?

If you were already in a certain mood, it might help you to do something you otherwise wouldn't. But in the end, people make their own decisions.

What area should my family and I move to in the DFW area?!?!?

We are looking to rent for a while before purchasing a home. We also have a one year old so a safe community with good daycares are on the top of our list...but we are also looking for a diverse area, not too far away from shopping/ civilization, and a good area that I can find a job in HR. We are moving from the Atlanta Metro area where weekday commute can be an hour plus.....not trying to do that again. Help!!! DFW is so big that I can't wrap my head around one particular area.

Does it mean anything, kind of concerned?

I am 31 weeks pregnant and at 30 weeks I went for an ultrasound. The technician did her job then said told me and my fianc�e she was going to see if there was anything the doctor wanted to look at again. When the doctor came in he flipped through the pictures she had taken and laid the chair back down and started looking intently at my baby's heart. He said the blood flow from the cord to the baby was good and that was all. When he finished he looked at the technician and said her doctor will have to decide if he wants to do another ultrasound or not. My fianc�e has bad heart problems in his family so we were kind of worried. Should we be worried about what the doctor will tell us at our appointment on Wednesday??

Whats going on with him?? Why did he do this??!!?

Guys can be like this sometimes. If he's with his friends he'll pretend to ignore you so they'll be impressed. If he does this again, just tell him 'later' and walk away. He'll soon get the message that you won't be messed with.

What's the value of the domain "… ?

When you are planning to have the dream laptop for you, it's the details that you need first. So many companies, each has their respective offerings with diverse specifications, and… is the link to visit upon. As usual, another incredible offer from RightGadgets.In for you.

Are the Ivy's really that much better?

I am about to be a sophomore at a school ranked approximately 50th in the nation for Liberal Arts colleges. I had a 4.0 in high school with 9 AP 5 scores and a varsity tennis player. I applied to 5 schools, got into 4 but not into Washington University in St. Louis. I got into Northwestern, but my family could not afford it. For some reason, this has really bothered me, even 1 year later. I am very bothered that many of the so called 'top universities' do not let in students like me who went to a racially diverse close to inner city public school. I had 3 other classmates with similar grades and AP scores with the same story. I have a 3.93 in my first year at my school (only non A's were A- in Spanish both semesters). I was wondering what separates those 'top schools' from the rest, and how going to a smaller school affects my chances at top graduate scholarships and schools. I guess a lot of it is an inferiority complex and jealousy, but I really would like to know how much better the schools like Harvard, Yale, Stanford, etc. than smaller schools and how going to a smaller school affects my chances of top scholarships and graduate schools. I would like to go into Engineering (most likely mechanical or civil) and would it be better to go a large prestigious university or a public university?

Opinion on my story ?

i like it so far your description is pretty good, but it was kind of hard to follow the flip flop between Addison's thoughts and Ricky's thoughts, but i like the omniscient point of view, i really think it works well. for 20 minutes of writing it seems pretty good, the characters seem to be slightly developed and work very well with each other and it is obvious that they have a strong connection from their history, but they dont know that the other feels that way

Mrs. Duck hatched 3 eggs (5 left) in my waterfall, now swim every day with me. When can they fly to leave?

I was concerned how the ducklings would get out of the pool safely once they went in. So I rigged up a flotation with a blanket that hangs over the water, the mattress and then they climb out of the pool that way. Mom has 5 more eggs in nest, but she's now sitting with them at night near the blanket and her 3 under her, while the eggs sit near by. Will they hatch? They are so super cute and boldly swim all around me when I'm in the pool, mom watches intently but she is now sometimes out of the water, while the babies are swimming around me. They are 3 days old and each day get bolder to get my attention or swim right at me while I tread water, so cute. So how do they safely leave? At what age can they fly?

Is science too complicated for climate skeptics?

Don't be too hard on the scientific illiterates. The fog index of your quote is through the roof. Most people need a simplified summary. Unfortunately, most of the summaries come from people with an axe to grind.

Never had a boyfriend..Did I Do it right! I feel embarrassed :(....!?

He lacks confidence and that is what you can give him. Take his hand and lead him someplace private and give him a kiss, even a quick kiss and his confidence will sore. He will then be bold enough to ask you out on a date, but you have to give him the first kiss so he knows you want him.

Is this normal for a betta fish to do?

I have a male betta fish and two snails. When I look over at the tank the betta fish is staring intently at one of the snails on the bottom of the tank in its shell. He doesn't nip the snail at all, just sits there and stares at it, or lays next to it on the bottom of the tank. He is an active fish who loves to swim around and dance and show off, but why does he lay at the bottom of the tank alot and stare at the snail? The other snail is at the top of the tank, as it has moved there, but he thinks nothing of it. He only stares and lays next to the snail at the bottom of the tank. He will swim around happily for a little then come right back and stare, lay next to, or near the snail. Why does he do this?

Is the military that bad?

The military exists for one reason. Freedom - our society - has booms and recessions. These happen all the time and we've all heard of them. However, kept from mosts knowledge is the fact that the booms get shorter and shallower and the recessions get longer and deeper. Eventually the booms become unnoticeable and the recession becomes apparently permanent: We're at that point presently! So, in order to regenerate the boom cycle, large quantities of work MUST be engineered. A significant reduction in the number of people seeking employment is also very helpful at this time, for regenerating the boom cycle. To create large quantities of work and reduce significantly the number of people seeking work, our rulers use an instrument called warfare! The military destroys everything it can - thereby creating employment for reconstruction - the war kills extremely large numbers of people (especially soldiers) and afterwards freedom once again enjoys the boom cycle of growth and prosperity - for a few years anyway. Soldiers are cannon fodder! They are killed off in large numbers so 'freedom' can regain the boom cycle. That is an overview of how 'freedom' works.

Can you think of a major religion that doesn't attempt to cheat death?

In other words... doesn't it seem as if concepts such as Heaven, reincarnation, and the ability to raise people from the dead are just convenient ways to circumvent the realisation that we are incontrovertibly mortal?

How can the President seriously claim that he is for the middle class and scold Congress for taking a recess?

First I am middle class. I make $70k a year and every policy that he puts forward hurts the middle class and poor. 1)Taking away oil companies ability to take depletion & accelerated depreciation of its assets (that is the subsidies they refer too) is going to reduce oil exploration and increase the oil company expenses. This will of course cause an increase in heating oil and gas prices. Of course since gas prices will be higher that will cause increase in trucking and shipping and another increase in airfares. So now my necessities (food, heat and gas) are more expensive and if I am able to scrape together enough money for a vacation (which is unlikley) it will be more expensive too. What your moretoreum on oil drilling did not contribute to the rise in oil enough? To top it off the new EPA regualations which is essentially the Cap and Tax law that failed in Congress not only kills jobs in the clean coal industries but will raise my electricity bill as well. Now who does these increases hurt more the middle class or the Fat Cat in his corporate jet? Second in the last few months the President has played 17 rounds of golf (min 2.5 hrs) and held 33 fundraisers (lets say all time included 3hrs each) and then scolds Washington saying he has been there bc he met with each caucus for 1.5 hrs. So that is 142hrs to 6hrs. I guess the heart of this question is how can any regular working Joe like myself defend this policy. Best answer to anyone that can show me the error in my logic.

Do the "big three" complement each other?

This year not really, but they still made it to the finals. I think the problem is that Lebron doesn't know how to be that number 2 guy. He's used to being the number one option. We seen that in the finals. They'll get better though, when you got the top two players in the NBA on the same team I'm sure they'll figure it out next season. As for Chris Bosh it seems like he doesn't know his role, which is the coachs fault. Sometimes none of em seem to know they're role. I think Spolestra needs to tell all of em what there roles are.

Is the military so effective because it's socialist?

WTB a tldr version. Regardless, the military is outside of the bounds of definitions like "socialism" and really isn't applicable.


He's trying to get you to notice him with that behavior, looking at you when you talk means he's interested in what you have to say.

Career Choice Help!?!?!?

Hi, I'm looking for something to major in that has a combination of business, creative/artisic ability and photography. Anyone know of a career that I can look into that may have a combination of 2 or of all? Please and thank you ! :)

Magic the Gathering Commander Question?

So can your commander be unsummoned or bounced back to your hand or not in this version of the game? One More question also, say my opponent has a creature that says sacrifice and it deals damage and you use an instant such as lightning bolt, can they say that in response they are going to sacrifice it or tap and use its ability making the lightning bolt miss? The same question with land if you try and use a permanent destruction instant to destroy a land, can they tap it and add it to their mana pool before it is destroyed?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

How can you be so sure?

that God exisits and made us in his image and it's not just our minds ability to question where we came from that caused us to create God because of our fear of not knowing what happens to us when we die?

Will this affect my skating ability?

Yeah that can definitely affect your ability and can slow you down and cause you to have less balance

I have no artisitic ability/creativity but I want to pursue Interior Design?

I was never really good at drawing nor was really good at being creative in group projects or really good at problem solving (especially in life or math wise). I guess I'm just the average joe. Frankly all these elements are needed to be a successful interior designer. I am going to college in a few months and I am trying to decide what to major in and interior design is what interests me the most. My question I guess is. Can creativity, and problem solving be learned and if I study and work at it hard enough is it resonable that I will be par with all those natural born artistic students who have been drawing/designing in some form for years already?

I have no artisitic ability/creativity but I want to pursue Interior Design?

I was never really good at drawing nor was really good at being creative in group projects or really good at problem solving (especially in life or math wise). I guess I'm just the average joe. Frankly all these elements are needed to be a successful interior designer. I am going to college in a few months and I am trying to decide what to major in and interior design is what interests me the most. My question I guess is. Can creativity, and problem solving be learned and if I study and work at it hard enough is it resonable that I will be par with all those natural born artistic students who have been drawing/designing in some form for years already?

What are the latest HP 740r DVD R/W drivers?

My HP M7257C Media Center P/C has developed a slight problem. Its main DVD drive, the HP 740r (not 740b) is no longer recognizing DVDs and has lost its ability to write to CD-Rs as well. It plays DVDs and CDs fine, but no writing, which is inconvenient as you can imagine. Poor HAL is out of warranty (go figure) and everywhere I look for drivers wants me to install their software for the measly sum of $29.95 and up. Any ideas? The driver it hs now is 5.1.2600.5512.

What should i get for my boyfriend who is going off to college?

He and I are not officially boy friend and girl friend but we have been together for nine months. He is going to be a freshman in college while i am going to be a junior in high school. he is going to school five and a half hours away and can not bring his car as a freshman so we will not be able to see eachother very often. He is playing lacrosse in college and is a chemistry major, it just goes to show that he is a very diverse person. He and i love to joke around with one another and are a very fun loving couple. please give me some ideas as to what i should do for him!

Are white people allowed to be proud of their heritage?

Its probably because the biggest white pride groups in America are racist bigots that have a history of making life miserable for everyone who is non white. I am sure you have heard of the KKK. And I think you ought to read up on American history and find out who's land this really is.

Why do you think she keeps staring at me?

Probably every time you guys make eye contact she thinks you're starring at her, and she keeps seeing if you're looking at her, if she liked you she wouldn't give any type of attitude

How can i juml higher to dunk?

i have 8foot rim and i can touch net but i wanna dunk. I am 4ft10in and pretty good jump ability. i want to dunk though and i know about plyometrics and things. i dont have any ankle weight or nun that but i do have weight bench with weights that equal up to about 60lbs all in total.....i do squats without weights every morning, mid of day and night(100 or more) it enough?? what else shuld i do again no bands or anything like that!! what other things to do to jump higher and i wanna jump higher rlly quick so help anyone plzz

What would you suggest to Gaza residents to help with the trade market?

You hit the nail right on the head, you came to the central truth right away. As long as Hamas is their government, an organization that clearly does not accept the right of Israel to even exist, not live in peace with them, but to not even exist. THAT IS THEIR STATED POLICY! Now, do you think I can find any common ground with someone if they do do even accept that I should be alive and exist. You must be kidding. There is no peace. There will be no peace. There is not even a way for peace as long as Hamas is in control. We will have 100 years more of bloodshed and mayhem and the residents of Gaza and their poor innocent children will suffer the most. There is not degree of aid or foreign investment that can overcome this reality of a Hamas government. Unfortunately, the Palestinian people themselves live in fear of these thugs and killers. I'm sorry. I see no hope, NONE.

Is a cockatiel perfect for me? 10pts?

I want to get a cockatiel because I get lonely sometimes. I'm 14. I love pet birds and spending time with them. I'm hoping to get a bird that loves to interact and will live long. A bird that have abilities like whistle, or talk. I'm friendly and nice (mostly to little kids and birds). Is a cockatiel perfect for me^? No dumb answers.

What is your opinion with the Liberal Arts vs STEM fields(+ business) debate?

STEM majors have better prospects in their respective fields (there are a number of sources that prove this). Your major and job is not a reflection of your intelligence or character however. Not all STEM majors are stuck up and not all liberal arts majors are duffers.

I'm feeling really depressed because I feel like my English is terrible. Help?

grammatical errors are nothing to get upset about i have spoken english my whole life and i make them all the time

Will i get hired at hollister?

I ONLY read the first 3 sentences of your question. Nuff said... I wouldn't hire you. For one look at the way you went dressed regardless of where you applied to. Common bro... this aint the beach

Is this romantic attraction or just pure flirting?

Well, it all starts out when I had a moment with this stranger (business professional/officer) who visited the company to review our products. We happened to see each other for the first time and we did have a moment, he was gazing and smiling into my eyes, while I looked intently into his eyes. The moment lasted for 20 seconds or more and this was in the midst of his other colleagues as well. I didn't anticipate that he would return,but more than four months have passed now and I encountered him again. I was instructed by my manager to set up something before the business meeting. I walked into the room and there he was, focused, reading through documents and preparing for the event. When I walked in, he looked up, was staring wide eyed at me, watching my every move. His gaze was intense and dreamy, no smiling like the last time. The second time I was called into the room, he could not take his eyes off me and even assisted me somewhat in the midst of the meeting. He should be focusing on the business matter at hand.... right? It seems like he remembered the was just a moment months ago. I thought he would have dismissed it by now as nothing more than casual flirtation, but this time his reactions were stronger than the last time. What is the meaning of all this? I have never spoken to him though. During the course of this event I happened to notice a gold ring on his finger...married. We know in our hearts that we can't do anything about our unspoken attraction to each then end it would lead to heartbreak. I have never flirted or spoken to him and he seems to be an intense and serious person. Is it possible to be attracted to someone passionately in an instant? I know we both felt somewhat of a connection. What is it about me that caught his eye? Do his actions seem flirtatious ...?

Do I have any future in basketball at all?

Hey, I'm a 14 year old boy, I'm 5'8, 120lbs, and have a 6 foot wingspan. My vertical leap is around 3ft-3ft and a half. In my last year of middle school, I missed all but 3 games due to a knee sprain and only averaged 0.0ppg 2apg and 2rpg in those two games. This summer I decided I needed more help and more exposure to competetive play since my High School is only a single A school, so I decided to join the new AAU team my hometown was putting together for the first time this year. To be honest, we suck, we have only had one tournament, and lost the first two games by 30pts or more, and won the last game by forfeit because the team we were gonna play lost 54 to 1. But anyway, in the tournament, I scored 10pts in the first game against a team called SQBA, ant then I scored 12 in my second against the "Young Ballerz" so I guess thats 11ppg, I also had 2apg and 4rpg in this tournament. So if I continue to practice my all around game, will I have any future in basketball? Like how far do you think I could get? My teamates compare me to Ray Allen because of my shooting ability, although I wasn't a three point shooter in the begining of the AAU season, just a mid-range shooter, but ever since my coach forced the three point shot on me, I went from 20% behind the line to 34%. I am also a 87% free throw shooter, but lack dribbling ability, I don't drive to the basket often, in fact, I only lay the ball in on fastbreaks, I'm not a physical player, or one of those emotional leaders that get hyped up every second, I don't block shots or steal the ball, I just play solid on ball deffense. Would I have any future in basketball at my current position of Shooting Guard and my secondary position of Point guard and Small Forward?

I want to have a lucid dream. expierences anyone?

try going to bed early, for some reason your dreams will often be more vivid. and when having a vivid dream all you have to do is realize your dreaming. for example look for any oddities or things that don't make sense. another way to find out your dreaming is if you are unable to turn on lights. once you figure out your dreaming just go with it and try to hang on to your dream as long as you can before waking up. and i have smoked pot for years to and i still dream.

Do you think this Bin Laden thing is the real deal?

don't pay any attention to that garbage it s a bunch of conspiracy theorist nut job mumbojumbo nonsense... what you need to be concerned about is justin bieber's new hair cut!

Do people with Taurus in 3rd house have artistic ability's?????

It makes no difference. Your life cannot be influenced by some astral bodies billions of miles away. Sure, you may have talents for particular things as a result of both nature and nurture, but rest assured, it's got nothing to do with whether a random grouping of stars (which just happen to have been lumped together by the ancients because they reminded them of something).

Does he like me like me?? please help!!?

It sounds as if he likes you and that can be a good sign. He is trying to impress you and catch your eye, but if you want to be together, you have to try and make an effort talking to his mates because not having relationship or friendly vibes with them can ruin happiness.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Evolutionists,y do u deny God while the true evolution is mentioned in quran?71:14,,20:50?

How much scientific history do you know? Try reading some Jewish, Greek...ancient scientific works. The quran has no real science in it. Sorry dude...Like i said read some books on the historical scientific discoveries. Don't be so naive.

Why are you for/against having religious beliefs?

Because the idea of religion is to make people do what you want. And 99% of the time these are horrible things like murder..

How can I stop liking guys PERIOD?

You may gravitate towards girls because they DO give you the attention .. whether its because they are jelous or genuinely like you - you like being wanted :) we all do. Its not a gender thing. However, just use your free time thinking about something else...... he will come! Do not stir up love before its own time.. you ll just end up getting pregnant or dating a guy whos not right for you. Hes out there and he ll come, unfortunutely when you least expect it. "Life is what happens to you while youre busy making other plans"

Can I get into University of Michigan-Ann Arbor?

I have a 24 on the ACT. I did 40 hours of volunteering. I also have job experience. I am involved in peace jam at school. I took AP Chemistry and AP biology last year and I will be taking AP Physics, AP statistics and AP Calculus next year. I will also be taking one college class at KVCC next year called introduction to political science. I will also be writing/editing the Knight Life School Newspaper next year. I will be attending a week long journalism camp this summer (by the way, do summer camps count as extracurricular for college?). I also attended an engineering camp at western Michigan University (I don't know if this one counts because i did it in middle school - 6th grade). I am a minority student and I heard being a minority has advantages at U of M (is it true?) since it is very diverse. I am a woman wanting to become a chemical engineer (I heard that this has an advantage too because they want more women engineers). So, do I have a chance of getting into University of Michigan considering the fact that all the other stuff can cancel out my act score.

Do you consider Turkey to be culturally and ethnically a West Asian country?

As Turkey has a majority Muslim population that to me is an Asian/Middle Eastern country, woe betide we allow them to join the EU, mass Islamification of Europe on an unprecedented scale


How long have you been broken up? Yes he's trying to seem like he's having more fun without you. It could just be some type of defense mechanism, maybe he's trying to make you jealous, prove he doesn't need you, or even just get your attention. It's childish. Ignore him and it will drive him crazy.

Why is my mum like this?

She asked if I could write down what I wanted for my birthday so I did and I took in down to her and she intently said no when I said there were 11 things on there, But 9 things on that list are �2 - �3. She a freak, she pooped on my head when I was 7 I hate her. I dont even want to live in my house anymore

Do the American Media even show the white phenomenon named Christophe Lemaitre?

It seems to me that whenever a black person does any of the sports typically performed by whites, the black guy outperforms the whites in every way.

Can Anyone Get Me A Shedinja Thats Ability Is Sturdy?

i'll give them my reshiram, or latios.. but i have more pokemon available if those dont seem appealing..

What does this girl mean?

Well i know her in person...we talk to each other almost daily on we were talking and suddenly the marriage topic popped up..i like her and hav a feeling that she likes me she said that she cant wait to see me which i replied y???..she said will be nice to see umaaried...and perhaps i colud give ur bride a few tips too..and then she started giggling...then the topic of bf and gfs popped up.,..she said that she has a lot of bfs..and when i said that its ur personal matter..she intently spelled out their names to me....then she said that whats so wrong in having gfs and bfs...PLUS I M THAT SORT OF GUY WHO KEEPS A DISTANCE FROM GIRLS..SHE KNOWS THIS TOO..I LIKE HER ONLY..but still she sometimes hooks me up with one or the other girl when i said that i need to go she said..FINE LEAVE ME U MEANY....GO and made a sad emocotion..then i said to her that from my point of view..bfs r more of a romantic interest than freinds which she considers...she started giggling and said that SHE KEPT ON GOING WITH THAT BFS LIST JUST TO ANNOY ME....WHAT ALL DOES THIS MEAN?...DOES SHE LIKE ME AS A FRIEND OR SOMETHING ELSE..OR IS SHE HAVING FUN WITH ME ONLY???..I THINK THAT SHE LIKES ME...THANKS...:-)

My dog is licking and pawing a blanket, almost like she is suckling?

Since you don't know about her puppy history it could be possible she was taken away from her mother too young. Our dog that we got was 6 weeks when she was taken away and she has a nibbling problem like she is constantly trying to suckle - and she is 2. As long as it is not hurting anything, I would just let her do it.

What is the matter with a cat I'm looking after?

you say you were given the cats to look after which suggests they are staying with you. Like humans new environments can be exciting at first but after a while they may start to feel a bit homesick. She's probably just missing her home and her owners. Keep an eye on her and give her as much love and fuss as she wants. As long as there's no other symptoms and she's eating ok it's unlikely to be too serious.

Don't you just love it how the secret racists in Orange County, like to think the O.C. is diverse?

Yeah ok you confine some ethnic minorities in Santa Ana, Garden Grove, Anaheim, Irvine and Westminster and suddenly your a diverse county hahaha... doesnt matter that Seal Beach, Huntingdon Beach, Yorba Linda, Laguna Beach, Dana Point, San Clemente, Newport Beach, Costa Mesa etc are all white basically.

What should i get for my boyfriend who is going off to college?

He and I are not officially boy friend and girl friend but we have been together for nine months. He is going to be a freshman in college while i am going to be a junior in high school. he is going to school five and a half hours away and can not bring his car as a freshman so we will not be able to see eachother very often. He is playing lacrosse in college and is a chemistry major, it just goes to show that he is a very diverse person. He and i love to joke around with one another and are a very fun loving couple. please give me some ideas as to what i should do for him!

How do i deal with this clingy friend of mine?

i have this friend who seems to be overly immature (we're both 16) and is super clingy (unfortunately to me). she moved to my middle school in the 7th grade, she didnt have friends yet, so my close friend who happens to be a very sociable and bubbly person befriended her so she would get used to the new school.. for the following two years, we became the-three-musketeers sort of thing, always seen together everywhere & very close.. here's the thing, i'm more of an introvert, i prefer watching a movie at home on a saturday night rather than going out partying, while my other bestie who's the sociable one happens to be the exact opposite, being the life of any party and an easy person to talk to.. and the new girl at first was quiet (i guess thats typical for newcomers in any school) then gradually became louder in an annoying and immature way (eg, she would poke someone's *** as a way of greeting, constantly bothering someone particularty when they're busy if she's bored).. anyhoo, we get along well with each other in spite of our diverse ways.. i do realise that we make a unique combo of friends and i appreciate it a lot, actually, in thinking that most of the girls at the time were a bunch of sluts trying to get attention lol XD and we werent, we were always up to the randomest stuff..then last year, the sociable friend moved somewhere else cuz of some of her family stuff, which left me and her in our used to be trio.. and somehow after that, her inner annoyingness and immaturity came to live. she got freakin annoying. i can swear that everyone was hating her for that. one thing i loved about her was about her randomness cuz thats what we have in common, but too much often does she becomes overly immature cuz of that. the worst part is that she is super clingy to me, i undrstand cuz i was one of her first close friends in here.. she refuses to leave me alone, gets mad when i go out with other friends, even talk to other people for too long :/ i get that i might be her only super close friend, but i just cant stand the fact that she's suffocating me by clinging on to me literally 24/7!!! (on the phone, if not in school or elsewhere) i know how i am introvert, and i am trying to expand my social circle but with her being all over me i just cant, literally.sometimes i think of ditching her cuz i just cant stand her, but i cant cuz she doesnt have any other friends! ofcourse she does talk to people, but she never makes close friends with them.... i swear that i feel like punching her in the face sometimes cuz she even made fun of me and my ex calling each other 'dear', 'honey' and those stuff, i mean, she acts childish. she shares a lot of her secrets with me, most are her fantasies...but its so hard to share my secrets cuz shes not open, as u can see how she made fun of something so usual like my ex calling me 'honey'.. i have no idea how i should deal with this, i've tried making new friends for her to be friends with but they ended up becoming much too annoyed with her. i've thought of ditching her but i'd feel guilty.. i have to admit, these days, i get much too annoyed with her than happy being her friend.

What gift should i get my homestay family?

Really, really, easy. Keep all your gifts based around food - and you'll be appreciated. Not everything will be liked, but the experience of sharing it in another country is always a winner. Also relating the history behind the foods and how they came to be incorporated in your culture is always fascinating to those who have no idea of what this side of the world may be like. Taking the cheesy touristy type of pictures to share over there is always a good icebreaker, and will definitely strike up a converstation - flaring the imaginations of those around you.

Has anyone used or heard of this service?

Better you than me, it's a cheap price to pay for something that gives you a lot, if something is to good to be true it usually is.

What do you think of this piece of my story?

WOAH! That's amazing!!!!!! Really good!! Intriguing even. There is one little tiny thing, and its out of my pickyness that i spot it... etc. Maybe instead of using etc use and so on or something along those lines? Sorry! Haha, apart from that one word its brilliant!

*SPOILERS* What do you think of my SD MITB predictions?

I also think it's gonna come down to Rhodes, Barrett, and Sheamus. I don't think Rhodes is ready just yet and I could see him feud with Dibiase in the future or continue his feud against Sin Cara and Daniel Bryan. Sheamus seems to obvious because Orton just kicked him in the skull and I think they might fight at Summerslam, unless Christian wins at MITB. I think it will be Wade Barrett as the winner. Who else would Barrett feud against? He has already faced Big Zeke a lot, Rhodes and Dibiase are in a feud with Sin Cara and Daniel Bryan and I don't see Barrett feuding with Sheamus or Christian because heel vs heel feuds are usually boring.

Understanding the way a woman thinks?

Help me understand this, if you can. Me and a coworker have been dating for almost three months. She's very much into me as I am into her. The relationship "seems" to be getting serious. At any rate, I noticed how when she is talking to me and if there is a mentioning of the opposite sex she will sort of throw in there how she is adored highly, liked, admired, or reverred in a special way. Nothing simple. For instance, today when she and i chatted on our break, she mentioned how she was teaching her class (she's an orator) and the majority were men and she went on to add twice, how they were fond of her, so when this strange guy walked into the class (who didnt belong in the building in the first place) that these guys all turned and were "protective" of her...... i listened intently but that stood out in my mind.... b/c in past conversations when she and I chatted and it involved the opposite sex, she'd quickly note the person's admiration of her or something. anyway, my question she hinting something? or is this her attempt to make me jealous?

Why do people so racist towards me?

I am an east indian guy. I am from northern india(kashmir) and lighter skinned than most other indians. people at me school and everywhere always say things like "are u sure you're indian"? and some even go on to tell me I must be descendant of white people. Is it so hard to accept that Indian people look diverse and our skin tone ranges from light to dark? Honestly Americans are obsessed with race.

Why do people think Obama is a "failure" when he accomplished so much?

Not everyone feels that way just those religious fundamentalist who are running for president against him. Isn't it ironic that those who love to invoke the name of Jesus and profess to be so pious are those who do the most muck racking and the most grinning while they do it. I think that the humble Obama will easily win this election.


Whenever I see my ex, at first, he won't make eye contact, but then I will see him looking at me. At first, I think I'm paranoid until we continuously make eye contact and then we both quickly look away. Then, he seems to be laughing louder or talking louder and being more goofy and trying to be funny and when I talk of laugh he will occasionally look at me or listen almost intently. I even had to walk off for a minute and I saw him glance up at me a few times on my way back. I thought he was looking at my friend but she sat next to him and he hardly spoke to her and didn't even look up.

Mission Icefly Rescue after clock hit 0?

We waited for days for the clock to hit zero, and it finally has. Who else has watched the video? Has anyone been "selected" yet? Are there any new leads on this site and it's purpose? We have been decoding the video's audio to the best of our ear's abilities this past hour. Nothing too significant. The repition of words such as "persistent" "sound" "careful" and at one point it sounds like "there's no room/one". Also, during the part spoken backwards, there is an underlying forwards audio. Please reply even if you don't have an answer. I would like to collaberate.

How do I build confidence in a young athlete?

Here's the scenario. This kid is awesome, top of the game. He puts in countless hours practicing, working out, and getting private lessons. Problem is, come game time he is a nervous wreck. Often it means he starts to make mistakes, gets flustered, and can't get his head straight. I've tried all sorts of positive reinforcement. We are at a tournament right now where the best in the world are scouted- getting in is by invitation only. Today he totally floundered and blew the game on an error that shouldn't have happened; totally his fault no doubt about it. Other Adults have been saying it's a team effort, he played great, and besides they are still kids and make mistakes. But now he is all freaked out and it's not over. He has played with n ability that makes the crowd gasp, but then next game he is a head case. How can I get him to realize his full potential? He wants and sees a future in this, and that is quite possible if he can pull it together. What can I say or do?

Why does my cat roll around on a particular patch of grass?

just like any other animal...he is scent marking!!! a dog or a bear...he can smell other cats...and he urinates and rubs his face because he has scent glands there...thats why cats sometimes headbutt mark them as their own!

What are your thoughts on Randy Orton claiming that John Cena is better on the mic than The Rock?

I don't care what Orton says. Rock and Cena are pretty similar in the ring in my opinion. Meaning they are both decent. The only thing Rocky has more than Cena is charisma.

Would any police department hire me as i'm skinny and have a light voice?

dont let your parents get you down man. Im in the same place. I want to be a marine and my parents say im too sensitive or something. Just dont let anyone get ya down man

Observational Racial Stereotypes: Believe it or Not?

All true. Except Mexican having lots of kids and black middle aged women being obese are more of a statistical fact, than a stereotype.,

Where do you get curse in pokemon white?

i think its eathher in a temple or a swamp its some were dark and spooky and sadoy good luck hope you find that curse

Advice on applying to University?

Universities only look at your grade 12 marks. They will look at your grade 11 marks only for early acceptance. Otherwise they are negligible. When you start grade 12 they will give you a book or a website where you can look at the acceptance averages. They vary from year to year and from school to school. But also keep in mind if you are having problems with sciences now you may want to be open to other programs because science doesn't get easier when you go to university. Trust me I'm currently doing it. But based on your grade 11 grades i dont think you will have any major problems. Just work hard.

Something i wrote when i was kinda tired, just found it and want your opinions! Opening of a story?

That sounds like an interesting story! I would read it. I think you should carry it on and see where it goes.

Everyone please answer this??!!!?

It seems he likes you, but be careful. Some guys just like to flirt, like some girls just like to flirt. Both genders have them. But anyway, his body language and behavior seems to be saying he likes you.

I need 4 diverse workouts for the summer?

Check out my youtube Hmongnaturalmuscle Iworkout in my room so you can relate go thru the videos each one has different exercises

Horror story writing question?

well to me i can infer that he is a vampire of some sort? if so, you should add like a terrorizing dream but then to be woken up by a relative or carer. i am pretty good at writing horror stories i hope it all goes well! good luck! and im in yr 8 at the moment lol >.<

Opinions upon a poem I wrote?

That's actually not that bad. You may actually be able to write. Break it into stanzas. Cut out about half of it. Don't make the rhythm so metronomic, and don't make your rhymes sound so exact. Read Yeats's early poems. The cloak, the boat and the shoes. Look at how he wrote a genius poem in just a few lines. His rhyming is beautiful because it's so simple and elegant. His poems are genius because they're so focused and wholly realized. You may be able to write, but you need to read a lot and learn how to write poetry.

What was a perfect woman in ancient greece?

Well Greece was part of the bible lands. The only perfect woman in the history of humans was Eve. Unfortunately the bible doesn't say what she looked like. She obviously loved fruit.

Friday, July 15, 2011

This guy keeps staring at me intently... what could this mean?

If it's bothering you so much that you have to ask us, why don't you go and ask him why he stares at you.

Why do people like being around THEIR OWN?

jane is 100% wrong, irish catholics have very large families. i have over 15 first cousins and but i only have one brother, and i cant even count all my uncles and aunts, i have 3 BLOOD UNCLES and 2 BLOOD AUNTS. but i have much larger families then all of my italian friends.. idk if ur mother is irish or scot irosh. but irish catholics have the craziest holiday dinners. loud, drunk, dysfunctional but my cousins and i call it FUN!

What do you think of my story??PLZ!!!?

I am assuming that this is the beggining of your story. This is where you introduce your character and hint at a problem. If the story is about the family you should give them names.

My fiance intimidates & makes me feel nervous, I feel i cant breathe around him! Advice, Mature Answers?

I am 25 and have been with the man i love for 3yrs, , my fiance is 35 and a champion bare-knuckle fighter. I am starting to feel like i cant breathe with him as he can be very intense, When he wins im the first one he will go to, kisses me and picks me up over his shoulder, Although i don't go to every fight as i feel uneasy seeing the blood etc. Other times if we are at a party he will keep looking at me or if a guy casually talks to me and im being polite telling them im engaged my fiance puts his arms around me or he will walk up to me & gets aggressive at the guy but when i tell him its ok and to relax he holds me close to him and the guy basically runs away. I have a full time job and when i get off the subway i just want a shower and chill out but as soon as i get home he is all over me coming up from behind me holding me telling me how much he missed me then he usually starts to feel me up which leads to sex, the other night after the guy was flirting with me when my fiance and i made love he started to slightly choke me, I got scared & asked him to stop he kept apologizing to me telling me how much he loves me, that i am his life and is sick of people trying to take me away from him, Other rime he seems to stare intently at me whilst making love which makes me feel a bit self conscious. Its almost like i cant move but he is there and his hands are on me in some way, He also has my name tattooed over his heart. I love him to death but he makes me feel intimidated lately. My bff and he don't get along at all, She never liked him, She says that he is no good, that he is unpredictable and that he's got no conscious, He tells me i let her influence me way too much. Despite all this i cant deny that i love him but i feel i he wants me in his radar all the time. This may seem stupid but it bugs me, Any Advice?

Where should I save/invest my money?

Ok. Here's the scenario: I work for a company that has a 401K Tax Deferred Savings Plan. They Do Not offer any match. The allowance is 35% pretax and 5% post tax. I also have a Roth IRA with Charles Schwab that I set up myself. I don't currently have much in the IRA right now. My question is what is the best mixture of contribution? I currently put in 10% pretax. Should I max the pretax first? Should I do 5% & 5%? Is the 5% after tax basically the same as my Roth? All of the money in my 401K is invested in a target retirement fund. I want to diverse myself in the best way.

My fiance intimidates & makes me feel nervous, I feel i cant breathe around him! Advice, Mature Answers?

I am 25 and have been with the man i love for 3yrs, , my fiance is 35 and a champion bare-knuckle fighter. I am starting to feel like i cant breathe with him as he can be very intense, When he wins im the first one he will go to, kisses me and picks me up over his shoulder, Although i don't go to every fight as i feel uneasy seeing the blood etc. Other times if we are at a party he will keep looking at me or if a guy casually talks to me and im being polite telling them im engaged my fiance puts his arms around me or he will walk up to me & gets aggressive at the guy but when i tell him its ok and to relax he holds me close to him and the guy basically runs away. I have a full time job and when i get off the subway i just want a shower and chill out but as soon as i get home he is all over me coming up from behind me holding me telling me how much he missed me then he usually starts to feel me up which leads to sex, the other night after the guy was flirting with me when my fiance and i made love he started to slightly choke me, I got scared & asked him to stop he kept apologizing to me telling me how much he loves me, that i am his life and is sick of people trying to take me away from him, Other rime he seems to stare intently at me whilst making love which makes me feel a bit self conscious. Its almost like i cant move but he is there and his hands are on me in some way, He also has my name tattooed over his heart. I love him to death but he makes me feel intimidated lately. My bff and he don't get along at all, She never liked him, She says that he is no good, that he is unpredictable and that he's got no conscious, He tells me i let her influence me way too much. Despite all this i cant deny that i love him but i feel i he wants me in his radar all the time. This may seem stupid but it bugs me, Any Advice?

AC not cooling properly?

This is in an apartment. I called for maintenance and they said everything checked out okay. The temperatures at the vents were around 70�F, but the apartment remains about 80�F all day until the sun is down. It's actually still a bit hot until early morning. Does the age of the AC have anything to do with it's ability to cool? The guy said it was because it was very hot outside, but every other place we've lived at the AC could still cool the place off even in 100�+ temperatures.

Mule deer doe attack whitetail fawn?

I saw a month old whitetail fawn being pursued by a mule deer doe. The doe was intently chasing the fawn and had it's head down and seeming to charge. Is it likely that the doe would have killed the fawn? Any sorces?

I'm aware of my magical abilities but unable to harness it, can someone help me?

Hi I'm Handy Leatherette, and I'm not related to the famous Soriano family, either. Who are they, anyway?

What is the cost of attendance at a university in South Korea?

Hello everyone! I am currently a soon to be freshman at a community college in Dallas,TX and I would love to know the total cost of attendance at a university in South Korea for international/transfer students like me. I would like to narrow the search to a Christian university with a diverse student body if possible. Thanks for your help !

A name or an attack?????????

It is a person's main attack. Like a bankai in Bleach, but more diverse. Anyway, the options are energy break and energy burst. Which sounds better to you?

Christian Relationship question: How far?

I struggle with this too, but it's harder for me cause I'm seeing someone who isn't a Christian and I know he wants to go all the way and I don't know how keep us from going farther than what we're doing.

Oasis hotel and resort in cancun?

my boyfriend and i are about to book a vacation at the oasis hotel in cancun. just want to know if i should go through with it. were both 20. were looking for great drinks especially being that they're unlimited, great food. we don't want all of the restaurants to be buffet styled either. beautiful rooms. lots of activities, amazing night life, young crowd (18 to 26) , a diverse crowd, just endless fun... also if anyone knows of how much the excursions and water activities are like parceling and jet skeeing are please let me know. any advice is appreciated. thx

Pokemon Pearl Team for Elite Four?

What types should I get and some suggestions on pokemon. The Elite Four and Cynthia are very diverse.........

Will my father still have to pay for my college education?

He is probably more mad at your mother than at you. Hell I would be mad at a gold digger who refuses to get a job

Do atheists really need a label?

Language and identity-specific words are something we use, not necessarily to differentiate between 'default' and 'other' positions. Rather, they're something we use to make clear a specific object, person, or objects or groups of people. The only thing denoted by referring to atheists, is the definition of the word atheist which refers to a specific characteristic that is common among atheists. People may mistakenly assume additional connotations to the word. But using the word atheist, or any other word, to point out or describe a specific thing, group, or characteristic, is not wrong or unnecessary, regardless of whichever characteristic is perceived as being default. It would be a step backward in language to discontinue use of words that accurately describe and help to clarify concepts that people wish to refer to.

Causes of a specific kind of conscious blackout?

It might be petit mal. You might be hypnotizing yourself. I would check this out with your doctor at your next physical. If you are having small seizures, you should not drive a car. I haven't done research specifically, but had a student with this problem. I don't think there is any natural reason for spacing out without realization of a causal factor.

Why does religion play such a huge role in American politics when America is such a religiously diverse nation?

We have Christians. And they do not always agree with each other on certain tenets of faith (i.e. Catholics and protosenants do not agree on certain things, Mormons follow their own version of Christianity that includes the Book of Mormon and practices not performed by other denominations, there are liberal Christians and Christians that are so conservative that they live like it's the 17th century- Amish, and so on). We have Jews (of different styles of worship). We have Muslims. We have Hindus. We have Wiccans and naturalists. We have various Native American beliefs that are observed by some American Indians. We have atheists. And the list goes on and on. So, why is religion even allowed at the table of politics?

How to increase my dogs abilities and wat to feed him?

Ok I have a german shepherd and I want to increase his speed and strength, so can someone give me some tips and a diet for the training and don't saying walking him I take him for a mile walk every day

Can someone read my essay?

That's not an essay. It is a story. I kinda just skimmed it, and I don't think I really like it. I'm sorry. I think there may be too many adjectives. Tough Love <3

Do you think they knew I was high?

I wonder if people can tell when someone is high or if it is just in my head. So like a month ago i was and got the urge to eat twizzlers. So i walked to the 7/11 and went in there grinning because it was a great day and i was going to get my twizzlers. But i couldn't find them! I walked up and down all the aisles about 5 times intently studying every item until i concluded they must not have them and i charged out. Then I went back like ai week later with my friend and saw that they actually had a ton of twizzlers... But i was wondering if places can tell. Because i was thinking about having a bowl later and then buying a popsicle but idk if the people at the store can tell beause last time i felt really paranoid.

How do you use summons in FF9?

So Dagger (Garnett) has the summon ability in disc 1. I keep reading all over you need gems to power the summons and stuff. Well all the summons are grayed out due to low mana. When, how, and where do you first get these gemstones and how do they work exactly?

Does anybody really believe that racial diversity is a good thing?

Just one example I know for fact..A factory I worked at, we got paid extra for going above our quota for our shift, came to around 20% more pay a week, anyway they were forced to hire some blacks, they went through the same training as everybody else. Once the blacks got into my area that was the last bonus I ever saw on my paycheck for exceeding the minimum "quota"....But a least we were diverse, that is the main point, we were told anyway. This is not a "rant" but should be. Any Ideas on this? And remember I said same training, same everything, so don't pull that "card".

Boyfriend had a planned lunch with a girl friend of his, but lied and said they ran into each other?

.Forget about setting up house together.He had a prearranged date with a girl and no matter what he says or tries to explain this,The fact is this was a secret get together.So what is/was he hiding.There's more to this than meets the eye

Does using a screen protector affect reading ability on kindle 3?

I have been using my kindle 3 for about 4 months now and noticed that there are a few scratches on the screen which is because of casual use. I am wondering if applying a matte screen protector on the kindle 3 will affect its quality considerably? I know adding a layer will equal to glare but will adding cancel out the excellent e-ink technology? Help please! And could anyone suggest something I could get?

Would a clown-themed supervillain count as copyright infringement?

It is not a copyright infringement if it is not called "The Joker", doesn't look much like "The Joker" and if it has nothing to do with "Batman".

Pokemon black/white question?

how can i get dream world abilities on my pokemon? please indicate step by step how to get into the dream world and how to get my pokemon the ability. for example, i would like to have a drought ninetales and drizzle politoad, but how do i access the dream world and all that? i have wifi but do i need to make a special account or need a certain item? Thank you for the help and again, please be descriptive :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How do you like my story...?

Wow that's really good so far! If you got this book published, I would totally read it. There were a few specific grammar problems but there's nothing wrong with the plot of the story. Good job! Keep writing :)

My dog doesn't like one of my wall decorations?

Your dog was very clearly a interior designer in a past life,and knows a thing or two.Take down the wall decor that so obviously doesn't go well in that

Getting the job at hollister?

No one could tell you this at all. Honestly most of the interview is them judging your looks and seeing if you are outgoing and without knowing how you look and what the manager thought then no one knows your chances but what you wore sounds good and your answers sound good.

Is it possible for everyone not to like one person?

Okay, let's just state for the record, something is certainly going on here. It doesn't sound like everyone does not like you, something about you is causing them to take note in such a fashion that it's causing you concern. If I were you, I'd ask a friend or relative whom you trust to be very honest with you and tell you what they think it is. Why not upload a photo of yourself, just the way you dress in everyday life and ask yahoo viewers to see if they can help narrow down why you are getting the response you're getting. You say that someone stated that you are the coolest and nicest person they met, so maybe it's the way you are presenting yourself.

I want to attend a diverse high-school?

I'm African American and plays games online on the computer. Currently I still attend an all black, all boy school. I haven't even spoke to a Mexican, nor a white race in my entire life (only in video games) But that doesn't compare to speaking face-to-face with one. Most blacks around me don't watch anime...don't play mmo's...or even read as much as I do. So I only ask, what do you think? Should I attend a diverse high-school, or should I think about it more.

Can i drive without a licesns?

okay so i just took the state drivers test i have passed both maneuver ability, and the other from the state, so know i can get my license, although i don't have them, i have all the papers signed to receive my license so can i drive without braking the law

Why am I feeling like this? Is it severe anxiety or depression?

I'm not an expert to any extent, but I think you have some depression. But there is something that's very severe - homesickness.

Did i scare him awayy help help help! MEN!?

OMG! How could you not notice. He totally LIKES YOU! Well, in my opinion. Ps. No you didn't scare him. That be happening to me sometimes too.. Don't worry.

Why does "All Powerful" not include the ability to overcome "chariots of iron"?

Well, Superman's planet was made out of Kryptonite, so he is weak against it. Same thing with God and iron.

How can I help my dog overcome a phobia?

I found a jack russel mix a yr. and a half ago. He spent the first year going through heart worm treatment and is now H.W. free. This past wk or so- if he sees a fly in our apt. he watches it intently then flees to dark room to hide. No matter what I try I can't get his mind off of it. It is stressing us both out. Please help.

Do you think he might like me?

Sounds like he likes you in my opinion. And a Junior dating a Freshmen is not unheard of at all. I say go for it! =)

How do you like my story...?

Wow that's really good so far! If you got this book published, I would totally read it. There were a few specific grammar problems but there's nothing wrong with the plot of the story. Good job! Keep writing :)

Opinion on my story ?

i like it so far your description is pretty good, but it was kind of hard to follow the flip flop between Addison's thoughts and Ricky's thoughts, but i like the omniscient point of view, i really think it works well. for 20 minutes of writing it seems pretty good, the characters seem to be slightly developed and work very well with each other and it is obvious that they have a strong connection from their history, but they dont know that the other feels that way

Would this affect my skating ability?

No rlly it actually helps bc ur feet are already slanting while ur skating so u can just take off rather then turning your feet then skating

Any one want to help with my book/video game idea?

I have an original idea about a character (no name as of yet) who possess a supernatural ability to extract peoples memories and point view from their eyes (the game will be called contacts).I know it sounds a little out of whack but at least it is original.Not only from people but any living (or dead) being.For example a dog,black and white vision along with the added abilities of keen sense,or a farmer and knowledge of agriculture and a different attitude or perspective of a lawyer.The problem with my idea is that it obviously must be elaborated on and it has no problem or plot.And I am only 15.

Bristol....Is it a racist city?

I've visited Bristol a few times and think it's a great city, and have recently applied for a position advertised for a post there. However, I'm concerned that when I've told friends and colleagues about my possible move they've all said Birstol is really racist. When I've visited Bristol, I was surprised by the amount of white people:-but then I come from a very diverse city in the midlands that is known for being multi-cultural so I assumed that's probably just how other cities were. I didn't feel like I got any funny looks or anything....but then again, I'm Euroasian and only mid toned so a lot of people assume I'm either maybe Spanish/Italian, half thai or even just a dark featured white person (so maybe that's why I didn't get any looks/comments). People have told me that it's a deeper kind of racism there, more institutionalized. I am worried as my potential job would involve dealing with the public so any racist attitudes among the general public would affect me. But then it could all be untrue. People of Bristol, what do you think?

How can a goal keeper improve his ability to hit the ball when for instace taking agoalkick or spot kick?

Im a goalkeeper and i almost have every thing that a deascent goalie should have in meaning the talent i can make great saves with may hands and legs penalty kick taker and stopper. one on ones. speed and everything except the abilty to hit a ball hard for example while taking a goal kick i cant weep the ball high enough to reach the opposition side like most goalkeepers do so what exercices should i do in order to improve because i was thinking of going for try outs but im afraid they wont pick me because of this so what do i do?

London or Bristol. Where should I go?

I am a Science teacher from Thailand and have applied to do my Master's Degree in the UK. I am accepted at King's College in London (MA in Science Education) and University of Bristol in Bristol (M.Sc in Science and Education). Which degree/university will be beneficial (useful and recognized) to me in teaching science in Thailand? I am generally an outgoing person who likes to party and meet new people. Which city would be better for me? Which one is more culturally diverse? I do not have the time to visit the two places before I decide since the courses are starting pretty soon. Please help me make a decision in terms of the degree and the place!

How much do under-run heels affect a horse?

My friend is interested in buying a gelding. He's a great horse in general, but he's got a few little problems, and one of them is under-run heels-- but neither she or I know how big of a problem that is. How do under-run heels affect performance? The gelding's toes actually aren't too long like I would have expecte, but the heels are bad-- the hair above his heels is almost touching the ground. Would they affect his ability to be ridden, and are they fixable?

Question for Austin women?

I'll be moving to Austin in September. I've visited there a few times after getting out of college here in Boston. I did some traveling to decide which would be the best place to settle in. There were only a handful of states I didn't go to. For some reason, and I don't know why, but a lot of places I went to, women (and I'm 23) in too many of these places just had very little idea of what class is. Too many places seem to be overrun with females dressing skimpy, talking like they don't have a clue (the word "like" every third word), and very little concept of culture-other than trashy pop culture. The whole Stepford cloning of those big sunglasses, furry boots, and mindless drivel was pretty common. But somehow, and I'm not sure why, but women in Austin (in my age group) were NOTHING like this! They seem to have a solid concept of class! Of course, they're the best looking women I'm sure I'll ever see (the blondes and brunettes down there literally put me in a state of shock!), but I noticed many things other than that. The places they frequented and things they did for example. The Warehouse District was FULL of (as was Town Lake) classy twentysomething, highly educated women who were secure in themselves, not literally walking around with a LOOK AT ME! sign painted on their foreheads. It was as if they were secure in themselves. I enjoyed many topics of conversation with a few educated beauties there, mostly at outdoor restaurants and a few bistros (of which are numerous). Church may play a part in it, as almost all I met were Christians, and maybe UT plays a part as well. They loved working out I noticed, and talking about the arts was big as well. They weren't into this whole conformity cloned thing (big sunglasses, furry boots, dressed scantily) AT ALL! I don't know how you do it, but I've never met more classy, educated females anywhere I've been, and trust me, it's not even close! How diverse they are was SHOCKING! I honestly would never have suspected that. Another thing that was readily apparent is how open minded women there are, that stood out right away! Most places now, so many women are snobby, or plain rude. But there, the women were very friendly to anyone, and extremely open minded. So how do you do it? How do you manage to not fall into these traps that have become like a plague in too many places? To be so open minded, have class, and be so educated, whereas most seem to have forgotten that? Keep it up!

Horror story writing question?

well to me i can infer that he is a vampire of some sort? if so, you should add like a terrorizing dream but then to be woken up by a relative or carer. i am pretty good at writing horror stories i hope it all goes well! good luck! and im in yr 8 at the moment lol >.<

Is it wise to go against majority if one feels or thinks in a different way?

Please do not get me wrong: this has nothing to do with arrogance but honesty and integrity. Suppose you move to a new office and discover that many people, may be majority of them lack sincerity and tactfully employ malpractices. Rules on paper and rules in practice may be so different. How would you feel? Would you tell them that they are wrong (in this case you will surely be under tremendous pressure and survival may be difficult) or would you like to just accept the trend and go just like others (in this case you may feel guilty). Smooth survival and guilty feeling probably do not go hand in hand in every situation. I personally feel sometimes, that life is not fair, one reason behind being this. Life is difficult for the exceptional. There are many examples in history. For example, Galileo was severely punished since he stated (correctly) that the earth moves round the sun and not the other way. Anyway I am just trying to see what others feel about this. After all we need to survive (keeping in mind that our family members are dependent on us) and also live without feeling guilty of wrongdoing. How can one best compromise while living in a society with diverse nature of people and attitudes some of which are irrational and hurt?

Dose it sound like I'm gay?

I am 100% sure it is just a phase. In this time period now a lot of boys are surrounded with gay temptations. You do not know if you are gay until your like 18 or 19. Give it time, try some more with girls. Don't decide now what you fate will be for the rest of your life.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

This guy keeps staring at me intently... what could this mean?

If it's bothering you so much that you have to ask us, why don't you go and ask him why he stares at you.

What do you think about this idea for a book?

I can definitely see it has being an inspirational book. I think you should continue writing little excerpts and see how it comes along. If you need help you can always e-mail me. I'm a beta on some fiction websites, plus i write my own stories from time to time.

How come matt le tissier never moved to a bigger club?

matt le tissier is famous for his excellent dribbling ability his long range efforts and his set pieces but i always found it strange that even though matt le tissier produced great football worthy of a big club like man u, liverpool or arsenal he never moved from southampton who lets face it were an under average team in the premier league and were involved in the relegation battle nearly every season so why did matt le tissier stay

Need help from anyone living in Hawaii (Oahu)?

I plan on moving to Hawaii's island of Oahu a year after I graduate High School. I will go to college there. I;m not sure for what yet. I have interest in many diverse pathways. (retail sales, cosmetology, medical) I think the best way to decide on which to take is taking the one with the best financial support. I've been told that in order to have a comfortable life style i need to make about $2,000 a week. Is this true? How much do hairstylists make in Hawaii? How much would I make working in retail sales? I was looking in the areas of Waikiki, Pearl City, and Waipahu for apartments. Of course I've only been able to look online. Im still in Ohio. Are there any other areas you recommend? Can you direct me to ant websites that have apartment listings? If you can answer any of these questions or offer any advice or suggestions it will be greatly appreciated. thank you for your time!

What are the physical signs of being a natural witch?

I have a huge birthmark on my tummy, thick wavy hair, tiny but disporportionate hands, very feminine distinctive features, I can tell things about other people just by looking at them, and come across as a bit odd to other people even though nothing I do really deviates from the norm etc. Starting when I was 12 or 13, my voice would go out in mid sentance without any warning, like a boy during puberty. I still do this, but it's even more extreme. I talk almost all the time like the actress in the scarlet letter 1995, it's weird. I always thought it was just a little ****, but I wonder if it's just a symptom of psychic ability, no one else has that and I always thought it was so odd. It seems to trouble people when they hear me talk that way.

Why cant we get full marriage?

It's harder today to make a difference than it was in the past. Partly because we can no longer protest without a permit or protest in the streets. If you don't disrupt the system, stop traffic, etc, then it doesn't matter how much airtime you get for your efforts. Any effort to really make a difference can very easily lead to an arrest, or a mass arrest. For me, that's a good reason why we can't get a full marriage.

I think my cat is traumatized by two dogs?

take her to the vet and if u cant get her out have the vet come to your house then while she is at the vet talk to her in a calm voice while petting her easily

Does marijuana make you smarter?

I wouldn't necessarily say that the marijuana is boosting certain mental aspects, but I would say that once you get into the swing of things and start to really enjoy the high and it can improve your quality of life. I always think more critically when I'm high, I am way more social now, and it's helped me come to terms with certain things. If you're really looking to open your mind, try LSD. It's certainly helped me view the world in a better, more analytical way.

Where should I move to?

I've just turned 22 years old and am so ready to leave Alaska. I'm a black female looking to go to some place warm that at least has regular seasons, ethnically and culturally diverse (somewhere I'll be welcomed and not ostracized) I've heard good things about Colorado Springs, CO and have been looking into that...where else should I consider?

What are your ideas of race as it pertains to my family?

Family and race have no correlation. Some of the tightest, strongest families I know are those of mixed races- black, white, asian, hispanic. Love and good parenting really has nothing to do with race. Its so great that you want to adopt. I know a single white mom of a black little girl and they're really close!! Good luck!

What are some traits that defines how you are as person?

Look I'm just curious because I finds its interesting how unique and diverse people's mentalities are and especially how everyone's philosophies are interesting that defines a persons as a whole... if its too personal don't worry about it; you don't have to share if you don't want to... but if you do... how would YOU describe yourself as... assertive, intuitive, protective, sentimental, reserved, analytical, logical... its alright to brag a little and come out of our humble selves... just remember enjoy!

Its a AP Biology 5th edition question please answer this question i will be so thankful to u...?

The use of radioactive isotopes as tracers in biochemical research is based on cells using the tracers in place of nonradioactive isotopes. Explain why this ability of radioactive isotopes to infiltrate the chemical processes of the cell also compounds the threat posed by radioactive contaminants in air, soil, and water.

Why do people like being around THEIR OWN?

Yeah, I believe so too. It's mostly human nature though and comfort and security in being somewhat similiar to others around you, whether it be income brackets, race, etc, etc.

Did you ever try to find out if you had superpowers?

Please no one laugh at this...... when i was little i wanted to see if i had the super power of passing through objects.... so one day at the park, i kinda....sortta.... ran into the slide and got a black eye ;) haha..... i did used to jump off my desk and pretend to fly tho!!

What job in the navy as an officer would allow me to travel the most?

I know it sounds selfish but I also am joining to serve my country, but my dream is to travel the world an experience as many diverse cultures as I can. What job in the navy would allow me to travel to as many countries as possible.

My ability to draw is gone/fading, Is there anything?

I have been drawing since I was very little and all my teachers were impressed at my skill. After a few years of drawing I even started to draw thing like people, cars, landscape and it was amazing. But, life has been busy lately between work, finding a place, and maintaining my truck and my skill has faded. I can't even draw daffy duck anymore. is there anything I can do to refresh my skill?

HELP There is this guy and I'm wondering if he likes me?

I think he does like you. He shows all the common signs. Why not stare at him sometimes too or look deeply back into his eyes when he talks to you. He should get the message. You could also try subtle flirting with him/ flirty jokes to try and show him that you like him too.

Please help me with ideas for this essay?

Nice try! but you are the only one who can do this essay and who knows I might be a teacher in your school, JK. you have great ideas, just expand on them and use a lot of description, who were the neighbors, names, what they wore, food, etc. You'll do fine, now get started! :)